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Monday, July 11, 2022

Thinking Activity

Flipped learning: Derrida and Deconstruction 

This blog is response to flipped Learning task given by Professor Dr. dilip Barad sir here I discuss about my understanding of every videos about Derrida and Deconstruction.
1, Derrida and Deconstruction Definition:

Definition of term deconstruction one very important very important question which Derrida is asking throughout his entire career.

He is whether it is possible to define something once and for all rigorously and
Whether and what are its limits to what extent can you define something.
Derrida use the deconstruction he refuses to define it saying that like all other terms that we use in philosophy or literary Criticism for that matter even deconstruction cannot be once and for all for finally difine. 

2, Derrida and Deconstruction: Heidegger:

The seeds of Deconstruction sprouted from Martin Heidegger (1889 - 1976)

Freud and Nietzsche are three important thinkers which Derrida acknowledges in his very famous as a structure sign and play as the ideas in these philosophers are in many way continued by dairy down Heidegger and his philosophy deals with some very important themes which Derrida continues in his own philosophy. One of the themes is the question of deconstruction when the term destruction in German is translated as deconstruction into French so that is a direct connection between Heidegger and Derrida.

Heidegger wanted to destroy or dismantle the entire tradition of western philosophy by pressing the question of Being of Being.

3, Derrida and Deconstruction: Ferdinand de saussure:

Ferdinand's  saussure writing is that the relationship between word and its meaning is not natural but it's a conventional one for example the word sister has no natural relationship with the person human being but it's just a convention that connects the word sister with the person so that is what he implies by arbitrariness means any word can be used to talk about anything technically but what connects a word with its meaning or a signal with its meaning is the convention and convention is almost social and it is always by consensus that kind of word and meaning gets connected now what Derrida reads into this and he constructs this idea further by saying that meaning of a word is usually thought of as something in our mind.That is idea of arbitrariness.

Derrida says that western philosophy is again built on the difference binary oppositions just like human language.

4, Derrida and Deconstruction: DifferAnce:

Derrida is questioning is, what do you mean by understand. If meaning of word like interest is a group of another words. One word leads to another Word and that word leads to yet another and finally we never come out of the dictionary.

Saussurean sign is equal to signifier which signifies something but Derridean sign is free play of signifiers.

Derrida combine two term' differ' and 'defer'. Pun it means to differ is also mean differentiate. Derrida is drawing attention towards different between speech and writing. He questions privilege of speech over writing. 'DefferAnce' - difference is not an idea or a concept but a force which makes differentiate possible.

5, Derrida and Deconstruction: Structure, sign and play.

Language bears  within itself the necessity of its own critique. discussing your structure sign and play is one of the very important documents of contemporary literary theory as it inaugurates what is known as post structuralism in 1967 by post structuralism we mean not outright rejection or criticism of structuralism but going beyond by critiquing structuralism so the essay is actually a critic of and who are very famous anthropologist who made structuralism very popular. The centre is paradoxically within the structure and outside it. The totality has its centre as where the centre is not the centre. Derrida pushes the destabilisednotion of the Centre to the point or a 'Rupture' in the history of thought in structuality.

6, Derrida and Deconstruction: Yale school

 During 1870s the Yale school has been the hub if the practitioners of deconstruction in the Literary Theories.

Yale school very important role propagation of Derridas idea. Paul de Man, J.Hillis Miller, Harol Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman these four people actually made deconstruction. Yale school is responsible for bringing deconstruction in the Literary criticism.

7, Derrida and Deconstruction: Influence on other critical theories:

Yale school as against that the other critical approaches like cultural materialism or feminism, gender theory, post colonial studies, new Historicism and Marxism psychoanalysis.

1,Postcolonial theories: fascinated by its ability to show that the texts or the discourse of the colonizers can be deconstructed from within the narrative.

2,Feminist theories: interested because it deals with how to subvert the binaries between male and female. By its ability to subvert patriarchal discourse.

3,Cultural Materialism: interested in it emphasize the materiality of language - Language is material construct and it has got ability to unmask hidden ideological agendas.

4, Historicism: By its ability to see historicity of text and textuality of history. History is textual and text is historical.


1,Why feminist theories are important in Derrida and Deconstruction?

2, what is concept of western philosophy?

3, why we read deconstruction as positive term?

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