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Friday, March 24, 2023

Thinking Activity

Thinking Activity: Gun Island

Hello everyone, i am Nidhi Dave a student of the department of English, MKBU. This blog is response of my Thinking Activity given by professor Dr. Dilip Barad sir. In this blog I'm going to discuss about the some questions of the novel gun Island.

🔴Amitav Ghosh :

Amitav Ghosh is an Indian author. Born in 1956 in Calcutta, he has lived in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, and currently resides in New York. Ghosh began writing at an early age and studied at Delhi University and Oxford University. He has lectured at several prestigious colleges, in addition to contributing to various newspapers and journals. During his first job, he worked at the Indian Express newspaper and his debut novel, The Circle of Reason, was published in 1986. He has since written a number of fiction and non-fiction works, his most recent being Gun Island, which was published in 2019. His writing has earned him a number of accolades and widespread critical acclaim. These awards include the Jnanpith Award, the Sahitya Akademi Award, the Ananda Puraskar, the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the International e-Book Award, the Crossword Book Prize, the India Plaza Golden Quill Award, the Prix Médicis, the Blue Metropolis Grand Prix, and the Utah Award for the Environmental Humanities, to name a few. Recently, Ghosh has used his writing to raise awareness about climate change and its impact. A notable example of Ghosh's critical work and climate activism can be found in The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable.

🔴Gun Island: 

Ghosh’s latest (after Flood of Fire) is an intellectual romp that traces Bengali folklore, modern human trafficking, and the devastating effects of climate change across generations and countries. Dinanath Datta, who goes by the more Americanized Deen, is an antiques and rare-books dealer in Brooklyn. While in Calcutta, Deen encounters the tale of the Bonduki Sadagar, or the gun merchant, a localized riff on the familiar Bengali tale of a merchant and Manasa Devi, the goddess of snakes and poisonous creatures. Intrigued, Deen pays a visit to the Sundarbans, the borderlands from which the myth originated. At the shrine said to be protected by Manasa Devi, Deen encounters a snake that bites one of the young men with him, with nonfatal but mystical consequences. Shaken, but convinced that it was just a freak coincidence, the rationalist Deen returns to America, where his trip still haunts him. A tumultuous year and a half later, under the patronage of his dear friend Cinta, a glamorous Italian academic, Deen arrives in Venice for the book’s second half, where he befriends the local Bengali community and further uncovers the tale of the Bonduki Sadagar as he is drawn into relief efforts for the refugee crisis. Ghosh writes with deep intelligence and illuminating clarity about complex issues. This ambitious novel memorably draws connections among history, politics, and mythology.

🌟How does Amitav Ghosh use the myth of Manasa Devi to create the myth of a Gun Merchant ('Bonduki Sadagar') and initiate discussion on the issue of Climate Change and Migration/Refugee crisis / Human Trafficking?


Migration becomes a special thing in this novel. Using myths, we are told about the changes that have taken place in the atmosphere, and how it has caused migration among the people. Gives an overview of the changes that have taken place in the whole earth.

In the novel Gun Island by Amitav Ghosh, the character of Manasa Devi is introduced through a conversation between Kanai Dutt and Deen, where they discuss the myth of Chand Saudagar. This myth serves as a central thread that connects the novel's themes and draws parallels between the Little Ice Age and our present-day reality.

Deen initially sees the myth of the Gun Merchant as just a story and not worth considering, but he is later inspired by a young speaker and Cinta to visit Venice and uncover the truth behind the myth. Through his journey, Deen uncovers the suspenseful and amusing names of places while striving to determine whether the myth holds any truth.

In this novel, I found its original meaning of words very difficult. Gun Word does not mean weapons in this novel,but Gun derived from Arabic words Bonduki. Bonduki means a foundry of Weapons deliver country. Bonduki means Venice -Venetian. so Gun is Venice city. The place where the Jews come and live is known as the Ghetto. This place looks like Venice.

In this novel Gun Merchant is connected in the myth story by Amitav Ghosh. Gun merchants drive from one place to another place.

Humans have undergone many changes in the environment. By polluting the atmosphere we see a lot of problems in the atmosphere even in the present times. Which comes before us as the main part of this novel. Climate change has caused many problems in human life. Which has forced man to move from one place to another. Which is referred to in this novel as migration. Dinanath's story as well as other old stories are connected in this novel. Which migrates from one place to another due to climate change. We will realize from the following events. How events happen in the present and in the past due to changes in the environment, which causes people to move from one place to another.

Through the use of these myths, Ghosh highlights the interconnectedness of environmental issues, migration, and human trafficking. He shows how climate change is leading to the displacement of people, and how this displacement is creating opportunities for human traffickers to exploit vulnerable individuals. Ghosh also explores the role of myths and storytelling in shaping our understanding of these issues and our response to them.

🌟 Is there any connection between 'The Great Derangement' and 'Gun Island'?


Yes here is the connection between ‘The Great Derangement and ‘ The Gun Island’. 

Gun Island is the response to the queries raised in ‘The Great Derangement’.

  “Both these books deal with the significant issues of the current moment that are the unexpected changes in weather conditions in the environment and human migration. The extremity of temperature and flood had made people abandon their homeland and migrate to other places. Amitav Ghosh presents in both these books the incompetence of the present generation to grasp the scale of climate change in the spheres of Literature, History and Politics. He is really conscious of the environmental destruction that the world faces today, and the condition of impossibility to retain the ecological balance of the environment. “

So in this ‘The Gun Island’ Amitav Gosh answered the questions from ‘ The Great Derangement.’ 

🌟Generate fan literature with the help of ChatGPT.

Prompt: Generate microfiction on Amitav Ghosh's Gun Island

Gun Island: Microfiction


Raj was a bookseller in a quiet Kolkata neighbourhood, where he spent his days lost in the pages of stories from around the world. One day, a customer handed him a copy of Amitav Ghosh's Gun Island, insisting he read it.

As Raj delved into the novel, he found himself transported to a world of adventure and mystery, following the protagonist Deen as he travelled from Kolkata to Los Angeles, chasing a story that could change the course of history.

But as the plot thickened, Raj began to notice strange coincidences in his own life. A painting he had inherited from his grandfather suddenly seemed to hold a hidden meaning, and a chance encounter with an old friend from university led him down a path of discovery he never could have imagined.

Before he knew it, Raj found himself embarking on a journey of his own, tracing the footsteps of Deen and unraveling the secrets of Gun Island. And as he uncovered the truth about the power of storytelling and the interconnectedness of the world, he realized that he too had become a character in a tale larger than himself.

Prompt: Generate a poem on Amitav Ghosh's Gun Island


In Gun Island's sultry clime,
Amidst the misty marsh and brine,
Amitav Ghosh weaves a tale divine,
Of a land where truth and myth entwine.

An antique bookseller, Deen,
Traverses oceans and lands unseen,
To uncover a tale that's buried deep,
Of a gun that changed the world's keep.

The journey is fraught with danger and thrill,
As the forces of nature and man clash still,
And Deen finds himself drawn to a truth,
That shatters his world and gives him proof.

Of a world that's changing, as myths come alive,
And the past and present begin to thrive,
In a world that's interconnected and vast,
Where stories shape the future and the past.

Ghosh's prose is vivid and rich,
As he takes us on a journey without a glitch,
And we find ourselves lost in the tale,
Of Gun Island's secrets, so wondrous and frail.

For in this land, where the gun was born,
The past and present merge and adorn,
And we see the power of stories unfold,
As myths and truths are retold.

So come and journey with Deen,
To the land of Gun Island's dream,
Where the world's secrets are revealed,
And the truth is finally unsealed.

Thank you 

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